As a System Engineer you will have the opportunity to do the following:
- Assess engineering efforts for cost and schedule contracted by or in coordination with the IPT
- Review, disposition, and take responsibility for the quality of engineering staff effort
- Provide inputs for engineering staff requirements in support of IPT efforts
- Coordinate tasking of engineering staff with IPT leads
- Provide leadership and mentoring to engineering staff
- Provide technical guidance and oversight to the following teams - Software, Mission Planning, and Avionics Test Facility (ATF)
- Provide execute software architecting processes to support software compartmentalization
- Tailor SETR and SET to support AGILE development and acquisition
- Provide recommendation to IPT leads for the direction of the projects, adjusting the plan when appropriate to maintain balance between competing interests
- Review and Disposition defects found
- Lead/Coordinate the Lead Software Engineer and software team to evaluate defects found in the code baselines
- Utilize established methods of communications to coordinate a PMA-wide disposition
- Chair the SCRIB/E (Software Configuration Review Initiative Board/Evaluation) comprised of pilot representatives, military class desk, civilian class desks, IPT leadership, and engineering leadership. End goals include a priority being assigned to each known defect, and a funding target for programming.
- Coordinate OMN PRE funding requests with IPT leadership annually
- Build and maintain a program wide Functional Qualification Testing schedule
- Continually assess the option of setting up an organic Software Support Activity
- Provide regular status updates to APMSEs concerning software acquisition progress