As an Information Technology Manage with AMERICAN SYSTEMS you will have the opportunity to do the following:
- Create realistic and relevant operational training opportunities to AF Total Force joint warfighter participants via distributive means.
- Coordinate and participate in the installation, configuration, and integration of network hardware, software, communication, and connectivity devices IAW AFI 17-101, RMF for Air Force Information Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication (NIST SP) 800-37r2, Guide for Applying the RMF to Federal Information Systems and applicable Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIG), Security Requirements Guides (SRG), NIST SP 800-53A, and the Joint Special Access Program Implementation Guide (JSIG).Provide system engineering activities required to ensure DTOC systems and tools are compatible with DTOC customer systems as directed by the Government.
- Perform software and hardware support on all DTOC mission network and infrastructure computer systems.
- Provide support for maintenance, testing, updating, replacing, configuring, and reconfiguring all NOC and ECC hardware and software.
- Provide network and network security support.
- Provide support to all aspects of DTOC technical processes to include requirements and analysis of both hardware and software specification.
- Fully support 100% of scheduled missions.
- Coordinate and participate in the design, development, and maintenance of new and existing Management Information System (MIS) communication and network security systems.
- Analyze and evaluate present or proposed business procedures or problems to define data processing needs.